Ongoing Long-term Agricultural Research

There are several on-going LTAR research currently operational under the PR-NPA LTAR. Some of these on-going research projects include:

  1. Long-term manuring and continous corn (Established 1912)
  2. Dryland tillage plots (Established 1970)
  3. Tillage and crop rotation (Established 1976 and 1979)
  4. Soil nutrients and tillage (Established 1983)
  5. Biofuel feedstock studies (Established 2001)
  6. Sandhills ecology and vegetation dynamics (Survey sites established 1926; 1997 2001 and 2010)
  7. Grasslands fire, grazing and mowing (Established 1981).
  8. Continuous corn under irrigation management - ARDC, Mead, NE (Established 2001).
  9. Corn-soybean rotation under irrigation management - ARDC, Mead, NE (Established 2001).
  10. Corn-soybean rotation under rainfed management - ARDC, Mead, NE (Established 2001)