PR-HPA has four phenocams (PRHP1, PRHP2, PRHP3 and the PRHP4 (Pasture site)) installed and sending images (RGB and infrared) to the Phenocam network.
You can access the sites here:
Continous Irrigated Corn - Platte River/High Plains Aquifer -001
Corn-Soybean Rotation (Irrigated) - Platte River/High Plains Aquifer -002
Corn-Soybean Rotation (Rainfed) - Platte River/High Plains Aquifer -003
Managed Pasture Site - Platte River/High Plains Aquifer -004
Images are every half hour at the cropland sites and every hour at the pasture site.
The images are applied to capture the canopy height and its phenological condition on a real time basis.
Note: In order to conserve power, the pasture site camera only turns on for about 3 minutes each hour from 9am to 5pm.