Workshop Reports and Slides

LTAR Cropland Design Workshop Report

Representatives of 18 LTAR sites met in Minneapolis, Minnesota (18th - 20th November, 2015)  to dicuss Common Croplands LTAR Design. Tala Awada and Jane Okalebo represented the PR-HPA LTAR site. The 4-slide presentation outlining "business as usual" and proposed aspirational research for PR-HPA LTAR site were shared at the workshop and can be accessed here .

The programming committee consisted of:
  • Mark Liebig and Phil Robertson, co-chairs;
  • John Baker (local host), Dave Huggins, Kent Keller, Martin Locke (members of committee).
  • Sara Duke and Sasha Kravchenko guided the statistical aspects of the discussion.

Excellent progress was made and most sites are now positioned to make final design decisions.

The final workshop report and summary slides are available here.